Booking & availability

Directions to Villaz (Villa)

  1. Make your way to Switzerland and get to the town of Sion, in the canton Valais.
  2. From Sion, take the road to the Val d’Hérens, pass through the villages of Vex, Evolène then Les Haudères.
  3. At Les Haudères, turn left before the bridge following the signs to La Sage. Go through the village of La Sage and arrive in Villaz about 1km further.
  4. Park your car in covered parking at the entry of the village, on our private parking place.

N.B: Villaz is also accessible by public transport, taking the bus from Sion. Please refer to  for the timetables under La Sage, Villaz

Access to the Chalets

  1. From the parking, cross the bridge over the river which runs through Villaz. Immediately after, leave the main road on a path to the right which goes through a cluster of houses and then goes uphill. Keep the river on your right (approx. 4min).
  2. Take left on a small track before the path itself makes a bend. Walk past a big chalet above you (on your right), and two below (on your left) to finally reach your goal. The chalet “Grande Ourse”  and  “Petite Ourse” are at the end of the track, a few meters uphill.
  3. When at the chalet, enter the code (which is sent to you shortly before your stay) and get the keys.

From the parking, it'll take you about 10 minutes walking.
